Different Types of Mental Disorders - Dr. Gustavo Kinrys

In general term, Mental disorder refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect your mood, thinking, and behavior. It is also known as mental illness and psychiatric disorder. A large number of the peoples suffers from mental illnesses. These illnesses range from slight annoyances to serious, debilitating conditions. Dr. Gustavo Kinrys is a Psychiatry Specialist that explains the different types of mental illnesses and their effects.

1. Anxiety Disorders

When you suffer from an anxiety disorder, fear, dread worry, nervousness, and panic rule your daily life. While these feelings are normal in all of us, a person with anxiety disease feels them when it's not appropriate to. They get so out of hand that they interfere with your daily life. Different types of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, and separation anxiety.

2. Mood Disorders

Mood disorders, also known as affective disorders, are marked by extreme sadness or happiness, and sometimes both. If you have a mood disease, you may have violent mood swings. These mood swings are far beyond the usual ups and downs we all feel. Mood disorders are often related to substance abuse problems.

Mood disorders include chronic depression, mania, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and dysthymia. If you feel any kind of mood disorder then consult with Dr. Gustavo Kinrys. He is a Psychiatry Specialist and provide the best treatment

3. Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic disorders are among the most debilitating. Many people who suffer from them need to live in supervised assisted housing. Hospital stays are also quite common. Psychotic disorders are marked by distorted perceptions and thinking, hallucinations, and delusions. The most common psychotic disease is schizophrenia.

4. Eating Disorders

If you suffer from an eating disorder, you may have extreme thoughts and behavioral patterns related to food and weight. Most eating diseases come from a skewed perception of your body weight. The most common are anorexia and bulimia.

5. Addictions

Addictions are a form of mental illness. When a certain substance is used over a long period, it changes your brain chemistry and you become dependent on it. Substances are often abused in this way to deal with depression, anxiety, or past trauma. The most common addictions are to drugs such as alcohol, prescription medications, opiates, and stimulants. Certain behaviors can also be addictive.

Dr. Gustavo Kinrys - Psychiatry Specialist

6. Dementia

Dr. Gustavo Kinrys says Dementia refers to  any kind of impairment to mental functioning as you get older. While all people lose their memory and certain cognitive abilities when they reach old age, dementia is marked by a more rapid or extreme decline.

7. Organic Brain Disorders

Organic brain disorders overlap somewhat with dementia. These are diseases where there is damage or a physical change to the brain that changes the person's mental processes or personality. This category includes Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's.

8. Dissociative Disorders

This unique and often bizarre category includes an interruption or dissociation of consciousness. If you suffer from a dissociative disorder, you may have trouble with your memory or identity. These disorders include multiple personality disorder (now known as dissociative disorder) and depersonalization disorder.

Mental illness is much more common than most people realize. If you think you may suffer from one of the above conditions, talk to Dr. Gustavo Kinrys. He is the Psychiatry Specialist in Boston, MA. Your mental problems can be effectively treated and managed with the right professional help.


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